Our Mission
FAMLI, Inc. is a nationally recognized 501(c) (3) founded in 1992 by cultural advocate and artist, Mr. Torrence Brannon-Reese.
FAMLI Inc.’s grass root efforts guide youth who live in areas known for gang violence, substance abuse, teenage pregnancy, low graduation rates and other life difficulties. Its unique mentoring and school based art programs follow a nine-point curriculum, which teaches youth to accept personal responsibility for their lives.
Embedded in the curriculum are the development of life skills (i.e. anger management), preparing for job interviews, civic engagement, cultural literacy, reinforcement of the California High School Students Subject Requirement ("A-G" Coursework) and much more.
To this end, for the past 7 years FA-MLI has served its community by currently running as a lean educational platform serving LAUSD’s Alain LeRoy Locke College Preparatory Academy (High School) in Watts California.
Since 1992, Famli Has served over:
SAMBAM’s impact on students is impressive
Beyond their 100% high school graduation rate, students report stronger family relationships, higher levels of self-dignity and pride, drastically lower encounters
with the justice system, and much more. Students often share that SAMBAM is the reason they go to school.
Sharmon Goodman
I am proud to have FAMLI, Inc., an organization deeply aligned with our organizational values
The impact of the See A Man, Be A Man program on the youth it serves is palpable. The positive energy in the room during weekly advisory sessions is infectious, and the close-knit family feel between the mentors and the students is inspiring. I am thankful for their clarity of vision and purpose, and I am excited for all of the young man whose lives will be forever changed by their experience.
Dr. Cristina de Jesus
Torrence brings a depth of experience to both the clinical and community building work that is rare to see
Clinically, he is able to sit with intense emotional experience and provide containment, reflection, and support towards healing. Programmatically, he is able to think about what communities need and then design and implement interventions appropriately. This is demonstrated in “See A Man, Be A Man” a program he designed for at risk high school men of color.
Jami Winkel, LMFT
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YOUR DONATIONS SUPPORT OUR WORK IN LOS ANGELES AND ABILITY TO MENTOR TOMORROW’S LEADERS"See A Man Be A Man" is a program of Famli Inc. Famli Inc is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Donations to Famli Inc are tax deductible to the full extent of the law under Federal ID 95-4420147.